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How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring

How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring

How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring. Although one significant update makes backstabbing in Elden Ring more balanced in PvP. It functions almost exactly the same as it does in Dark Souls.

More techniques than any other FromSoftware game to date exist in Elden Ring to achieve a critical hit. Parrying isn’t the only technique to knock your opponent to the ground. In preparation for a Riposte-style strike, thanks to the concealed Stance system. Which was undoubtedly influence by the Posture system of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

Guard Counters, Jumping Attacks. And even Sleep Arrows are all available in the game as additional ways to land a critical strike. Ultimately, however, the quickest way to score a critical hit in Elden Ring is with a tried-and-true Backstab. Even though backstabs carried out nearly exactly the same way as in the Dark Souls games. There are several noticeable differences that make it simpler for victims to escape.

On July 1, 2022, Erik Petrovich updated: Since Demon’s Souls. Every single FromSoftware game has included the simple backstab, making it one of their most recognizable gameplay elements. But because of improvements to PvP, the Elden Ring Backstab is a tiny bit different than in other games. In Elden Ring, understanding how to backstab is just as crucial as knowing what to avoid. Because the mechanic works best in specific types of battle. For an Elden Ring sneak attack build, for instance, it’s advisable to start a fight with a backstab. Whereas a melee player might have better results by learning how to utilize placement. Elden Ring grants players a variety of Talismans that boost Critical Hits in various ways. So you may maximize your ability to backstab.

The Elden Ring Backstab’s Operation

How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring
How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring

Backstabs a particular kind of Critical Hit in Elden Ring; Critical Hits there are random. They can only happen under specific circumstances. Although it deals less damage than a Critical Hit on a stunned enemy, it differs from breaking an enemy’s Posture. In that it can used on a standing enemy. Most players utilize a Backstab to commence combat rather. Than as a mid-fight maneuver because it can be difficult to execute, especially against agile opponents.

The Critical stat of your weapon determines how much damage a backstab does. The average Critical stat for all weapons in the game is 100. However a few of them cause very heavy damage while backstabbing. The Critical damage dealt by Daggers, Rapiers, the Executioner’s Greataxe, the Lordsworn’s Greatsword. And Misericorde is significantly more than that of their equivalent weapons.

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Tips for Backstabbing

In most FromSoftware games, especially those that feature PvP. Builds that concentrate almost solely on underhandedly benefiting adversaries are a legitimate tactic. Players can, however, escape the animation in Elden Ring before the assault hits and the Critical Hit takes place. Whether intentional or not, this modification lessens the overall effectiveness of backstabbing. Even while PvE still benefits from it just fine. Additionally, avoid trying to backstab large enemies because this technique only works on foes. Who are roughly the same size as the player. Such as other Tarnished, Undead, or even Man Serpents.

Talismans for Backstab and Critical Hit

There are a few Talismans that improve Backstabs and Critical Hits as well. When one considers how much more Critical damage is than a regular hit already. The Dagger Talisman increases all damage by a flat 17 percent, which is more than it appears on paper.

Additionally, two Assassin’s Dagger talismans, including Backstabs, restore resources with each Critical Hit. The Cerulean Dagger of the Assassin heals FP, but the Crimson Dagger of the Assassin restores HP. Consider equipping each of these Talismans as their effects stack in a Backstab-centric build. If you want to push this feature to its absolute limit.

How To Perform A Backstab

How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring
How To Perform Backstab In Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, you must find a way to sneak up behind your selected victim, preferably undetected. If you are in the appropriate position, you can perform a backstab even while engaged in combat. If you are behind an enemy. But for backstabs, it’s best to employ Elden Ring’s stealth mechanism. Which is a very good cover for starting a fight. When you are behind your target, press the right shoulder button on the weapon-wielding hand’s Light Attack button (or R1).

Your aim doesn’t need to be too exact, but it’s crucial to release the button. When trying to perform a backstab or you’ll perform a light attack. If your positioning is correct, pressing the shoulder or R1 button and quickly releasing. It should start a weapon-based animation of your character striking the target. They will rendered helpless for a little period of time, frequently allowing you to securely execute a swift counterattack.

For the PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S, Elden Ring is now accessible.