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How To Make An Enemy In BitLife

How To Make An Enemy In BitLife. Making enemies in BitLife can happen for a number of reasons. Eventually, if you play BitLife for a while, you’ll undoubtedly make one, whether it’s for a weekly challenge or just because the character once bothered you. Although some NPCs will declare you their enemy, the battle can begin as soon as they begin to support you. This guide will teach you how to effectively construct an enemy in BitLife.

Making A Friend in BitLife

Making a friend is a prerequisite for generating your first opponent in BitLife. After you create your character and they start to age, you can get random pop-ups telling you that someone wants to be your buddy. Accepting their demands is the simplest method to make friends quickly.

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As an alternative, after your character starts school, you can make friends with your classmates by going into the School menu, selecting your school, and then tapping on the Class tab. Choose a person from the list, compliment them, start a conversation with them, and then become friends with them. The possibility that the character will become your friend is high if your hopes for them are high, even though it’s not a guarantee. You can achieve this while in elementary, middle, or high school, as well as in college or graduate school.

How To Make An Enemy In BitLife
How To Make An Enemy In BitLife

Last but not least, you can become friends with your employees if you have a job and your character isn’t in school. Choose your job from the Job menu to get started. By tapping on Coworkers, any character on the list can be chosen. Like before, congratulate them and have a chat with them before you become buddies. Choose one of your new friends from the Relationships menu once you’ve created one. When you tap on their name and age in the Friend menu, a metrics pop-up will appear. There is a “Change our status” button on this screen. Tap this to turn yourself into an adversary. By doing this, you will successfully make an adversary in BitLife.