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4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

4 Notebooks Location In Stray

4 Notebooks Location In Stray. Players must obtain four notebooks. Each of which includes information about the exterior, in order to finish the fourth chapter of Stray.

As soon as they set foot in the slums for the first time. Stray players will encounter Guardian, the neighborhood’s red-cloaked protector. He’ll mention a group of robots called the Outsiders and suggest speaking to a robot named Momo. In order to learn more about the outside world if they show him. Or any of the other robots the postcard from the outside that they picked up a little earlier.

To advance the primary plot of Stray, players must go to Momo’s residence. Which is a tall structure close to an orange neon sign. He’ll tell Momo when he gets there that his pals have vanished. And that he not get in touch with them since the transceiver he working on broken. Players will need to find four notebooks. That hidden across the slums in order to assist him in fixing it.

Momo’s Notebook (1/4)

4 Notebooks Location In Stray
4 Notebooks Location In Stray

After speaking with the players, Momo will hand them his journal before telling them. That he finished dreaming about the outside world. B-12, Stray’s robot friend, will advise locating the other three notebooks after studying the first one. They are all hidden in towering buildings that are nearby, and each of them bears the Outsiders logz. A white face with a circle for a mouth on a blue backdrop.

Notebook of Zbaltazar (2/4)

4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray
4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

Players should return to the outside after obtaining Momo’s Notebook and turn to their left. They should spot a tall structure with enclosed metal railings along the side. And a big blue Outsiders sign on the roof. Players must remove the energy cell from the fan once. They are on the roof in order to be able to enter the apartment. They can discover Zbaltazar’s Notebook there, hidden beneath a box close to the sofa.

Doc’s Journal (3/4)

4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray
4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

Inside a locked safe in an apartment full of books is where you’ll find Doc’s Notebook. Players should seek out a modest illuminated sign bearing the Outsiders’ insignia close. To a rooftop with a couch and a television to locate it. They must locate Doc’s bedroom after they are inside the apartment, translate the message on the bed. And discover that Doc has a safe concealed beneath some of the adjacent books.

4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray
4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

The key to the safe will given to the players once B-12 has finished translating the note. Returning to the apartment’s main area. They can climb a ladder that is located at the end of a row of bookcases before entering. Players can use the key to open the safe. And get their dirty little hands on Doc’s Notebook by pushing over stack of books that below ground level.

Notebook of Clementine (4/4)

4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray
4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

The fourth and final notebook is in Clementine’s apartment, which is roughly across the hall from Momo’s. The enormous white Outsiders emblem that has been paint on the building façade will help players recognize it quite readily. Players can locate Clementine’s Notebook on the desk next to her computer by entering the window. And squeezing through a crack in the glass-paneled sliding door.

What to Do After Finding All Four Notebooks

4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray
4 Notebooks Locatin In Stray

Players will need to go back to Momo’s apartment once they have located all four of the Outsiders’ notebooks. He will read the note regarding the design issue in the transceiver. And then proceed to fix it after shown the other three notebooks. Unfortunately, though, it can’t detect a signal in the slums, thus players must travel to Zurk territory. And Stray’s fifth chapter to look for a signal.