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All B12 Memories Location In Stray

All B12 Memories Location In Stray

All B12 Memories Location In Stray. Stray’s primary valuables are the memories of B-12, your tiny robot friend. However, the game has a good number of memories. The places for B-12 Memories listed below.

In the video game Stray, the cat point of view use. It is the tale of a cat finding its family again. You encounter a lot of intriguing things, gain experience, and assist a lot of people along the way. Additionally, you have a traveling companion robot named B-12 with you at all times.

At the start of the match, you encounter B-12. He decides to accompany you on your journey. But regrettably, he also claims to have forgotten his recollections. You can now decide to search for his memories as you return to your family while exploring the Stray universe.

In Stray, B-12’s memories serve as the primary souvenirs. As you move through the main tale, you will acquire a few key memories. But the majority of memories require independent exploration of the outside world. So, below is a strategy to locating every B-12 memory.

Where To Find Every Memory Of B-12 In Stray

There are 27 memories that are B-12-specific. Of these 24 memories, 5 regarded as basic memories. As you go through the game, usually after entering a new location, these five will become available. Having state that, the game’s 27 recollections of B-12 sites list below:

Recall 1

Chapter 3 of the game contains the first memory. This memory is fundamental. Therefore, when you arrive at this picture next to the apartment. Where you discover B-12, it will picked up automatically.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 2

We will need to be in chapter 4, Slums, for this recollection. There is a damaged red vending machine right in front of the Red Guardian robot of the Slums. Utilize that to get to the roof.

This robot is dozing off with his bags on the roof. There will be a button prompt that says “Remember.” To collect the second memory for B-12, press the button.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 3

This memory costs three drinks from the slums seller. The slums filled with vending machines that each give you one drink. Find three machines and purchase three drinks from each one.

Examine the item in the photo after you’ve had three drinks. The vendor will want three drinks. You can exchange them for the object, which will unfurl into an image and trigger a recollection of B-12.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 4 

This one is on the second level of the bar. A large red neon sign indicating the bar is present. It is a difficult spot to overlook as long as you are on street level. So locate the bar and head up the stairs to the second floor. When you turn to your right after standing up, you will notice this table.

A blue cube-like particle effect serves as a visual cue that the table’s memory is active. Pick up the memories for your small pal off the table by climbing up there.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 5

Inside Momo’s apartment is where I found this recollection. The NPC that the red guardian directs you to named Momo. He is also the one who assigns you the task of finding every notebook. He so has a part in your narrative.

Make your way to his bed as soon as you enter his place. This “Back Home 2” poster hangs in front of his bed. Use this poster to jog your memory of B-12.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 6

We need to discover graffiti in the slums for this recollection. Take the road straight in front of the red guardian robot to get to the graffiti. Now descend the stairs and turn right before turning left.

As you go on, you will come upon a robot looking through a garbage can for items. After that, proceed past him to the wall’s graffiti that reads “RIP HUMANS.” You can interact with it to recall B-12.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 7

We need to ascend an alley to go to an artwork for our seventh recollection. Go to the road on the side of the red guardian’s empty hand. On this street, just after descending this stair, is an alley with neon red lights.

You can reach this poster by parkouring your way up this alley. You can interact with this poster to unlock the seventh B-12 memory.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 8

This last recollection of the chapter 4 slums takes place inside Elliot’s home. Follow the road in front of the red guardian to get to Elliot’s home. Travel to the road’s end. At the end of that road, turn right, then left.

When you get there, there is a red door that you can scrape. Elliot will open the door if you scratch at it so he can look inside. When he opens his door, you are welcome inside. Enter the building and ascend to the second story. You can interact with this plant and learn about B-12 as soon as you reach the second floor.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 9

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

The memories from Chapter 5 are now coming up. Before you go to the tower for this one, you can locate a swinging rod on rooftops of chapter 5. You must jump on the rod while luring the mutant creatures to you.

Then proceed until you come to one of the roofs with a red neon sign. You’ll learn the next memory for your B-12 partner from this sign.

Recall 10

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

After you arrive at the tower, you will find this memory on the second floor of the construction area. Instead of solving the challenge for the tale, go to the second floor. And run all the way to the back of the area (which appears to have been alter). You can discover a damaged sign that will trigger a memory here.

Recall 11

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Since it is a core memory, you will receive it as soon as you arrive at the location.

As soon as you come to the Rooftop chapter, you must climb onto the bucket in the picture below. B-12 will then begin to speak, and you will then receive your second core memory.

ALSO READ: Clementine Location In Stray

Recall 12

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Reach the main road in Chapter 7 and turn left to begin the level. You can go to the wall’s end with the aid of this. To obtain a memory, interact with the wall.

Recall 13

Jump up to the truck to get to the top of the part in chapter 7. After the section when you pursued by the Zurk.

Now proceed till you come to a net fence. But the net has a hole in it. So pass through the gap and carry on along the path. A mechanical fisherman’s body is what you’ll discover. To obtain the subsequent memory of B-12, interact with it.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 14

This memory is in the doctor’s room in chapter seven. As the plot develops, you will eventually run into Doc. When you first meet Doc, turn to your right and you’ll see this statue in his room. Engage it to obtain a B-12 memory.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Recall 15

The memories from chapter 8 must now retrieved. Go into entrance for first one as soon as Momo holds it open for you to enter the sewers. Following the road until you reach a location that resembles a bunker

Move forward from the location that feels like a bunker until you reach the first crossroad. Turn left at the first crossroads to get rid of all the Zurks.

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

After getting rid of them, a pipe hole will seen on your left. Get into the pipe and pass through it by jumping in. Your B-12 companion’s next memory will reach through this pipe.

Recall 16

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

You will find yourself atop a large pipe in the Sewers. Immediately after the first location with eyes on the wall. On this pipe, the left side can appear to be a dead end, but it is not.

By hopping on the smaller pipe, you can cross through the left side. Finally, hop inside the large pipe in the wall after being on the floor-level barrels. Through this pipe is the following memory. Go ahead and take it.

Recall 17

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

We finally get a respite and receive one free memory. After all those horrifying eyes on the wall and Zurk’s pursuit. When you get at the AntVillage, you can obtain this memories. It impossible to ignore because it a basic memory associated with a story.

Recall 18

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Make your way to top of the village building after you finish Chapter 9 of AntVillage to speak with Zbaltazar. You can start using the memories by speaking to him.

After speaking with him, use the ladder to descend one level back to the ground. You can find this couch here. The inscription on wall next to this sofa can interacted with in order to give you memories of B-12.

Recall 19

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Another core memory is this one. So it is impossible to miss. Reaching the chapter 10 Midtown area in the game unlocks this one.

Recall 20

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

After you get at Midtown, proceed up the first escalator. When you turn right and enter the net hole protecting the top, you will see a small room with bookcases. And this robot sitting next to one of them.

To obtain the further memory you require for your B-12, interact with the bookcases.

Recall 21

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Move on and make a right turn as soon as you reach the major Midtown area. You are on the correct route if you notice a red neon ramen sign. Turn left when you reach the end of the road to locate a cyan neon sign.

Now, from this cyan-colored sign, you must ascend to the roof. This bed is next to a neon sign on the roof that is the same hue. You can remember B-12 by interacting with the bed.

Recall 22

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

At a crossroads in Midtown, there is a huge robot hologram. Additionally, nearby barbershop windows are open and you can leap out of them. So, look for the window that is open and enter through there.

You’ll see a ladder within the store ascending to a confined area. You must enter that area in order to take the memories from there.

Recall 23

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

Across the street from the barbershop, in the same location as before, is a restaurant with an open door. Inside the restaurant, there is a hole in the roof that you can see. Jump through the opening and take one memory out.

Recall 24

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

You must first finish the factory area in order to use this memory. If you finished with it already, head over to Midtown’s enormous holo-robot junction. You must search for an open door there. When you enter the door, you’ll see this image that will remind you of B-12.

Recall 25

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

After you locate the clines in Clementine’s home, this memory becomes accessible. Find the hints first, then. Then, enter the club indicated by the purple neon bottle sign. The front gate stopped by a bouncer who won’t let you past, which the issue.

So enter the club from the back and ascend to a window. There, a machine by the name of Alex will let you in. You’ve entered the club; proceed to the counter and step on the square-shaped item there.

This will lead you to the club’s base, where you can find the memory you’re seeking for.

Recall 26

All B12 Memories Location In StrayAll B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

We must be on Chapter 11, Jail, for the final non-core memory. Put the drone in a cell after saving B-12 in this chapter. After that, the robot will unlock a door for you to enter. So enter the room, turn right, and you’ll see this body holding the final non-core memory of B-12.

Recall 27

All B12 Memories Location In Stray
All B12 Memories Location In Stray

We learn about this last core memory in chapter 12 once we enter the control room. You don’t have to be concerned about forgetting this one as long as you have all the other memories. This memory is fundamental. So, it is impossible to miss.

Need more information on Stray? You can look at the following: The Complete List of Trophies, Instructions for Obtaining Outsiders Notebooks. And Locations of the Red, Yellow, and Purple Flowers in Stray.

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