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Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead

Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead

Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead. The Cuphead DLC’s Paladin Achievement can obtained in the following ways. The most recent Cuphead DLC adds additional content that players can hop into. And spend hours defeating new Bosses and challenges. You can now unlock new Achievements thanks to the new DLC.

There one achievement known as the Paladin Achievement among the others. Below you will find detailed guide on how to obtain Paladin achievement in Cuphead DLC if you need help.

How To Complete The Cuphead DLC’s Paladin Achievement

Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead
Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead

You must purchase the Broken Relic Charm from the Porkrind Emporium in order for players to begin. It will cost about five coins to buy the charm. Go to the Graveyard Puzzle once you have it to unlock the achievement.

You will need to use clues to touch the gravestones inside the cemetery. Talk to the first, second, and third contestant NPCs who arrived to acquire the answers. You must follow the cues they give you when they provide them.

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How To Defeat The Secret Boss

Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead
Paladin Achievement Guide In Cuphead

There no set pattern for what you will get because it randomly generate for each player. You will have the choice to go to sleep after completing the puzzle; select it. You will then have to battle the game’s seventh and final hidden boss. After you beat the hidden Boss, your broken relic will also change into a Cursed Relic.

You must now use the Cursed Relic to defeat every other boss to earn the Paladin achievement. When you join a battle, the Cursed Relic Charm will cause you to spawn with just 1 HP. Therefore, employing this to defeat all bosses can be very difficult. But if you succeed, the achievement will become available.

Check out Cuphead DLC: How To Defeat All Bosses. If you want to know how to beat every boss in the game.

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