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All Radiant Spincrystal Location In Genshin Impact

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, certain Radiant Spincrystals can purchased, but the rest must discover nearby in Mondstadt.

In Genshin Impact, Radiant Spincrystals are unique objects. That can only utilized inside the Serenitea Pot to unlock Soundtracks and modify the Realm Music. The two most common ways to get Radiant Spincrystals to buy them from Chubby the Teapot Traveling Salesman. Or to gather them yourself from every locale. By purchasing Euphonium Unbound: Winding and Euphonium Unbound: Soaring from the Teapot Spirit, Tubby, players can take in Realm Music.

Eight of the 23 unlocked Soundtracks for Mondstadt’s 72 Radiant Spincrystals can discovered. While touring the city in Genshin Impact, and the remaining nine can acquired randomly from Chubby.

Locations Of Every Mondstadt Radiant Spincrystal In The Genshin Impact

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact
All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

Knights of Favonius, teleport to the waypoint over the Knights of Favonius headquarters in the City of Mondstadt. Then glide southeast to find the radiant spincrystal 15.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact
All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

Glide down to the Archon Statue from the same location, ascend the stairs. And then proceed to the cemetery behind the Favonius Cathedral. Grab the Windborne Hymn, Radiant Spincrystal 14, from the railing.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact
All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

Then, teleport to the Waypoint close to square and go to Cat’s Tail Tavern in Genshin Impact, where Diona works. The Radiant Spincrystal 11, Mondstadt Starlit, can seen in the distance perched on a rooftop if you turn right. Gather it by scaling the structure.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact
All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

Run to the back of Schulz’s Blacksmith, which is northeast of where you jumped off. And take the Radiant Spincrystal 4, A Day in Mondstadt, which perche atop a stack of boxes.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact
All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

The Radiant Spincrystal 16, Angel’s Share. Is located on top of stack of boxes by stairs in Angel’s Share, which belongs to Diluc in Genshin Impact.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

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Arrive at Dawn’s Winery and take a position facing away from the door. The Radiant Spincrystal 3, Lone Sojourner, is to the left as you descend the short flight of stairs.

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

To obtain the Radiant Spincrystal 1, Dawn Winery Theme (City of Winds and Idylls). From the barrels, return to the entrance and proceed northeast.

Finally, turn southwest and circle the structure to the winery’s back, where there are chairs and tables. Before Dawn at the Winery, take the Radiant Spincrystal 19 from the top of the barrel.

How To Complete Genshin Impact’s Radiant Spincrystals?

All Radiant Spincrystal Locations In Genshin Impact

The Teapot Traveling Salesman Chubby will present on specific days of week to sell the final 15 Radiant Crystals. If they want to gather every Mondstadt Radiant Spincrystal, they must always pay attention to when Chubby arrives. What are these Radiant Spincrystals?

  • Radiant Spincrystal 2, A Sweet Smile.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 5, The Edge of the Prairie.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 6, A Tale of Two Dragons.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 7, Happy Journey.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 8, Legend of the Wind.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 9, Bustling Afternoon in Mondstadt.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 10, Dusk in Mondstadt.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 12, Moonlight in Mondstadt.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 13, Another Day in Mondstadt.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 17, A Happy Day.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 18, Tender Strength.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 20, Whispering Plain.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 21, A New Day with Hope.
  • Radiant Spincrystal 22, Eternal Anamnesis (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.).
  • Radiant Spincrystal 23, Journey of Hope (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.).

Genshin Impact is currently accessible on mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version worked on.