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How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors

How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors

How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors. Here is a comprehensive walkthrough for Vampire Survivors’ Big Trouser character’s unlocking and playing instructions.

In Vampire Survivors, finding gold is not crucial to winning. Well, not until Golden Eggs introduced. The merchant will sell these eggs for a tiny, cumulative, permanent improvement to one of the character’s many characteristics.

Each of these eggs costs 10,000 gold. Many long-time gamers possessed gold coin reserves that would make Scrooge McDuck envious. But these reserves quickly depleted by purchasing eggs for their prefer characters. Big Trouser, the newest character in Vampire Survivors, exists only to aid a player in replenishing their gold supply.

How To Unlock Big Trouser

How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors
How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors

The player must collect every one of the Moonglow stage’s 16 stage items in order to unlock this character. These goods, which were once referred as as accessories, are the game’s fundamental passive items. The player must also obtain and level up each of these goods in addition to obtaining them (level 5). When the character levels up, these objects can have their level raised. To somewhat hasten this process, it advised that the player choose character with a growth (experience) boost. Only Gains Boros and Imelda Belpaese have a Growth bonus, although Gains Boros’ Growth bonus is superior to Imelda Belpaese’s.

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The player must leave the stage and end the run once they have leveled up all of the stage’s items. This is due to the fact that Death will show up at the 15-minute point for the Moonglow stage. If the player waits until the end of the run. The player will not be able to complete the prerequisites if Death kills them. Because that will take a level away from their passive Tiragisu item. The player must go back to the character choosing screen. After leaving the stage in order to buy Big Trouser for 5,000 gold. For each character the user has already unlocked, the price goes up a little.

A Big Trouser game

How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors
How To Unlock Big Trouser In Vampire Survivors

If the player has unlocked the merchant. Big Trouser’s sprite is an exact replica of the merchant they meet close to the stage’s beginning. The passive bonuses for this character include an increase in the duration of Gold Fever. And a +1% Greed boost every level, with no limit. The Candybox, Big Trouser’s default weapon, allows the player to choose any base weapon in the game. That the character does not already own on demand. The Candybox can now obtained by other characters when they level up after Big Trouser unlocked.

It goes without saying that the player should get the Stone Mask passive item while utilizing Big Trouser. This will raise Big Trouser’s Greed rating even higher. Given that the Stone Mask is one of the stage items. The Inlaid Library is a nice stage to use when going on gold runs with Big Trouser. Due to the light sources exclusively dropping gold coins and gold bags, The Bone Zone is also a good stage. Due to the fact that Gold Rush started when a Coin Bag picked up. The Disco of Gold arcana pairs well with Big Trouser. Last but not least, wear Big Trouser in Hyper Mode since that mode also enhances gold collection.

For PC and macOS, Vampire Survivors made available on December 17, 2021.