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How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy

How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy

How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy. Elite foes can found in Tower of Fantasy. They are stronger than common adversaries but weaker than bosses and previous bosses. As a result, running into an exceptional foe while playing the game is not enjoyable. You can beat Udian the Masked in Tower of Fantasy by reading this tutorial. There is no time to waste; let’s begin!

In Tower of Fantasy, Defeating Udian Yhe Masked

How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy
How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy

You must locate this adversary before eliminating it. Furthermore, Udian the Masked situated on a distant island. Use the location screenshot below to locate Udian even more easily. Additionally, a spawn spot is located next to the elite foe. So, getting to Udian the Masked is not a problem.

Udian the Masked and a host of other adversaries will attempt to murder you here, though. Wickeds, Headhunter elites, Razor elite, and others will therefore exist. But killing them is not necessary. Even if you don’t defeat common opponents, you can still receive a reward.

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 The Reward For Killing The Boss Is High

How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy
How To Defeat Udian The Masked In Tower Of Fantasy

Furthermore, the reward for defeating the boss is substantial. You will receive 2,000 Gold, nearly 60k EXP, and other priceless resources. Now that it is clear what benefits you will receive, let’s learn how to defeat the boss.

Unfortunately, Udian the Masked lacks any vulnerabilities. Use of some characteristics against this elite foe is therefore pointless. However, using some long-range weaponry has a considerable advantage. The Udian won’t be the only enemy to assault you in a melee battle; other foes will as well. You will therefore have very little chance of surviving.

In conclusion, if you stick to the plan, fighting Udian the Masked is not difficult. However, you will run into a lot of issues if you attempt it alone. It is like that. I hope it’s useful to you! I appreciate you reading the manual.