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How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps. By selecting “Friends” after tapping on the map icon at the bottom of the Snapchat app. You may quickly find out someone’s whereabouts. Next, enter the name of a friend whose location you want to see in the search bar.

In addition to looking for your pals, you may browse the map to see where they are all located.

Create URL

First, type the URL of the link into the recipient’s text field. Then, after clicking “Create URL,”. You will take to a new page with a shortened link in “New URL” box.

Wait for them to click the link. You must then return to the page where you discovered the shortened URL. Click on Access Link to view number of times link was open as well as IP addresses of those users. Observed IP address should copied.

Go to “IP Tracker” on Then, enter the copied IP address in this textbox and click “Find IP data.” Instantaneously, you will inform of the person location, including the city and state they are now in.

How To Find A Snapchat User:

You can use the following techniques to trace someone on Snapchat:

Locate Friends on Snapchat Map:

As you do the following:

Step 1: Select the “Map” button.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

You will be in the camera portion of the Snapchat app after you open it. A map icon can found on the entire left side of the screen in menu bar at the bottom.

Second step: select Friends.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

You will notice a “Friends” option in the bottom right corner of the map section. You can choose which friend’s location you want to see by clicking on it.

Step 3: Find the friend.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

Enter the name of the buddy whose location you want to know in the search bar. When you search for someone, their name and bitmoji will appear along with their location.

Note: Alternatively, you can scroll map to see where all of your friends located without having to conduct search.

Grabify, a third-party tool

You can follow someone via a third party:

Open in step one.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

You must open the web browser on your phone. Then put “” into the search box to track anyone using After typing, hit Enter on your keyboard to bring up the page.

You will need to scroll down a bit until you see a white text box with two choices underneath it. Into which you will eventually need to type a link. You can shorten the link using one option, and you can obtain the tracking code using the other.

Step 2: Type a Short link here.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

When you have reached the text box on the webpage. Scroll down to the main menu icon and tap it. Then, seek for the movie or article link you wish to shorten. Once you’ve located the file, copy the sharing link and paste it into the text box.

Two options are located underneath the textbox where you pasted the link: “Create URL” and “Tracking Code.” Here, you want to shorten the link, and the only way to do that is to click “Create URL.”

Step 3: Send Friends a Shortened Link on Snapchat (in Chat)

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

When you tap “Generate URL,”. Window asking for permission to create shortened link you can use for tracking will display on your screen. Click “I Agree & Create URL” to proceed.

The shortened tracking link can found on the following page in the “New URL” section. After selecting the link with a long press, choose “Copy” from the menu. Go to the chat tab in your Snapchat app now. You can find out a friend’s location by opening their conversation. Copy the shortened URL, then paste it in this text field to send it.

Step 4: Watch for his click

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

You must now be patient after creating a shortened link. And sending it to a Snapchat user whose whereabouts you want to find out. Depending on how busy the person is or how engaged they are on social media. It can take them a minute or a day to receive the message you sent and click the link.

In order to verify if they have viewed the message. It is advisable to wait and possibly occupy oneself with other activities in the meantime. Then, check Snapchat again much later.

Step 5: Follow the user using Grabify’s Access Link.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

Go to the page where you found the shortened URL under “New URL”. As soon as you suspect they may have clicked the link or when they let you know they did. You’ll see a section labeled “Access Link,”. Next to which is a link that allows you to see who clicked on the link.

Click on this link right now. The number of viewers will displayed on the web page in front of you. Since you just shared the link with one individual in this instance, the number “1” will appear.

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

Step 6: Locate Information & IP

As you scroll down the same “Access Link,” additional information will appear. By determining the date and time the link opened, the app it opened from. And the country the user is from, you may determine who clicked on the link.

The most crucial thing you’ll discover here that will enable you to pinpoint their precise location is their IP address. The same “IP Address” name will used for this. Keep this page open at all times.

Open in step 7

How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps
How To Track Someone On Snapchat Maps

Now you need to use the IP address to determine the person’s location. You may do this with the aid of To begin, you must open a new tab and type “” into the search bar.

This will bring up’s home page, where you can see a list of their services. Click on the one that says “IP Tracker” when you see it among them. You will notice textbox and the option to “Find IP data” next to it on new page that will appear.

Step 8: Enter an IP address to obtain location information

You must now return to the “Access Link” page that was open in a separate tab. To copy the IP address, long-press on it here. Return to’s “IP Tracker” page once that has completed. You must put the IP address you have copied into this text box and then select “Find IP details.”

You will be able to see the location and state the user is from as well as details. About their internet connection and other relevant details. So you now know where they are.