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How To Get The Wingsuit In Saints Row

How To Get The Wingsuit In Saints Row. Why walk when you can fly, as a great philosopher once quipped? Wingsuiting is by far the most enjoyable way to navigate an open world. As games like Far Cry and Just Cause have repeatedly shown. Certainly, if we did this in real life, we’d probably scream ourselves to death before we even touched the ground. But thanks to the lovely world of video games, we can glide over the city. Smash directly into a building, and then spring back up without getting a stain on our pants.

How To Get The Wingsuit In Saints Row

We’ll explain where to buy wingsuits, how to use them, and when and when to utilise them. Check out our instructions on how to make the most out of your endeavours. Unlock fast travel, and earn money quickly if you’re seeking for more Saints Row starting point advice.

How To Use The Wingsuit In Saints Row

How To Get The Wingsuit In Saints Row

We’re here to inform you that the power was always inside of you. Which may make this seem like something out of a Disney film. The wingsuit is actually available to you right away as you’re put into the open world for the first time, so you can use it right away. Simply said, you don’t learn about it until a later quest in the game.

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Saints Row: How to Wingsuit

It’s quite easy to use; simply hit the jump button when in the air to reveal it. With the help of the direction and brake buttons, you may change your course while in the air, come in for a touchdown, and take down unsuspecting targets. By pressing the button prompt when it appears, you can even jump from automobile to car and land directly on their rooftops.