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Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact. Since she was teased, The Star of the Zubayr Theater has captured the attention of Genshin Impact players. Nilou later became more sought-after than Ayaka was after she danced for the Traveler in the Chinju Forest when version 3.0 was released and HoYoverse showed Nilou dancing skillfully.

Ayaka and Nilou both favour the use of swords as weapons, although these two characters play very differently. For instance, Nilou plays a more supportive role in her team’s composition and is much less ATK-focused. As a result, the finest weaponry for Nilou in Genshin Impact must also adapt to the way that each player wants to use their Nilou.

Iron Sting

  • 510 Base ATK for the primary stat; 165 Elemental Mastery for the secondary stat
  • R5 Effect: For 6 seconds, dealing Elemental DMG raises all DMG by 12%. 2 maximum stacking.
  • One of Nilou’s F2P-friendly options in Genshin Impact is Iron Sting. Even though it doesn’t provide HP, it’s still excellent for the Elemental Mastery sub-stat. Additionally, as Nilou will frequently do Elemental damage, it would be simple to maximise the Sword’s passive.
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

The Sapwood Blade is a good substitute if users want a more supporting option. The Blueprint for this Sumeru forgeable weapon in Genshin Impact may be obtained from Aravinay by the Tree of Dreams after players have acquired it.

Mistsplitter Reforged

  • 674 Base ATK is the main statistic.
  • 44.1% CRIT DMG secondary statistic
  • Effect: Receive the power of the Mistsplitter’s Emblem and a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for all elements. Mistsplitter’s Emblem offers an 8/16/28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the character’s Elemental Type at stack levels 1/2/3. In each of the following situations, the character will receive 1 stack of Mistsplitter’s Emblem: Energy is less than 100%; Normal Attack deals Elemental DMG (5 second stack), casting Elemental Burst (10 second stack) (stack disappears when Energy is full). The time of each stack is determined separately.
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

Nilou can function as a DPS but in Genshin Impact she is more effective as a support. Players must carry out her Elemental Skill sequence while avoiding the Whirling Steps in order to turn her into a damage dealer. Travelers should tap her Normal Attacks rather than her Elemental Attacks, which can be used to do the Whirling Steps. This will guarantee that Nilou receives an 8s Hydro Infusion rather than her supportive effect. Players can now use Nilou as a damage dealer by providing Hydro DMG in an elegant sequence for 8 seconds after giving her the Hydro Infusion.

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Primordial Jade Cutter

  • 542 Base ATK is the main statistic.
  • Added statistic: 44.1% CRIT Rate
  • Effect: HP went up 20%. gives a 1.2% ATK Bonus dependent on the wielder’s maximum HP in addition.
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

If players want to use Nilou as a DPS in Genshin Impact, Primordial Jade Cutter is a fantastic tool. First, despite the fact that Nilou scales largely with HP, it has a low base ATK, which is not a problem. Jade Cutter compensates for the low ATK with an enormous 44.1% Crit Rate, so travellers won’t need to worry about increasing Nilou’s Critical Rate. After that, the weapon also increases Nilou’s health, which is a crucial stat for her.

Sacrificial Sword

  • 454 Base ATK is the main statistic.
  • Additional Information: 61.3% Energy Recharge
  • R5 Effect: An elemental skill has an 80% chance of ending its own CD after doing damage on an opponent. only once every 16 seconds.
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

Nilou can be used by players as a DPS or as a Hydro enabler and buffer. Players should make sure Nilou’s Skill concludes with her Whirling Steps if they decide to use the dancer as a support. This will enable the squad to make Dendro Cores using the Bloom Elemental Reaction by enabling Nilou to create a Tranquility Aura that grants the Wet state to foes within its area of effect (AoE).

Players will only have 6s sans Nilou’s Hydro application because her Tranquility Aura is only usable for 12s. Either gaining Nilou her first constellation in Genshin Impact or giving her the Sacrificial Sword will take care of this problem. Once the current Tranquility Aura has vanished, players will be able to bring Nilou back to the field because the Sacrificial Sword will reset her Elemental Skill cooldown. If players possess R4 or more of the Sword, this tactic is considerably more effective. But be careful when using Nilou’s Elemental Skill; otherwise, the Sacrificial Sword’s function could be rendered useless.

Key of Khaj-Nisut

  • 542 Base ATK is the main statistic.
  • Secondary metric: HP at 66.2%
  • Results: 20% more HP. Gain the Grand Hymn effect for 20 seconds when an opponent is affected by an elemental skill. By 0.12% of their maximum HP, this effect boosts the equipped character’s elemental mastery. 3 stacks most. Elemental Mastery of all party members in the immediate area will increase by 0.2% of the equipping character’s maximum HP for 20 seconds when this effect reaches three stacks, or when the third stack’s duration is refreshed.
Good Weapons For Nilou In Genshin Impact

Unsurprisingly, Nilou’s most effective weapon in Genshin Impact is the Key of Khaj-Nisut. The weapon’s low base ATK yields a high secondary stat in exchange. Nilou’s HP and Elemental Mastery improved by this sword, but it passive is also specifically tailored to meet her moveset, as her elemental skill designed to deliver damage at least three times over its duration. When the passive completely engaged. Nilou will not only provide herself some EM but will also give the entire team a respectable Elemental Mastery boost.