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How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld

How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld. Even a game that explicitly bases its decisions on values and statistics and presents them in an abstract manner still needs to convince the player that the environment they are viewing is organic. A smart AI manages the science fiction colony simulation known as RimWorld. The game simulates ecology, psychology, melee, gunplay, biomes, climate, social interactions, diplomacy, trade, art, medicine, and more to generate stories.

Through the Biotech DLC, the player can add children to the game. They are slower, smaller, and less capable of labor than adult pawns, but as they get older, their skills get better. There are several methods to have children, including through pregnancy or surrogacy, growth vats, buying from slavers, kidnappings, and quests.

How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld

Natural Conception

The likelihood of pregnancy exists when pawns initiate “love.” The likelihood that a pawn will become pregnant can calculated using their fertility stat. Age and genetics are just two of the many variables that affect this statistic. Both men and women begin to become fertile after the age of 14 in baseline humans without fertility-modifying genetics; women’s fertility increases until it reaches 100% between the ages of 20 and 28, then steadily declines from 100% to 0% at the age of 50, whereas men’s fertility increases until it reaches 100% between the ages of 18 and 50, then starts to decrease before reaching 0% at the age of 90.

How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld
How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld

Pregnancy lasts 18 days, broken up into three trimesters of 6 days each. With each trimester, the pregnant pawn will suffer more penalties for movement, manipulation, and hunger. Additionally, they can experience mood swings caused by hormone changes, which can be both positive and negative.


A couple of days before the birth and again when the mother goes into labor, the player will receive two notifications. The likelihood of a successful outcome increased when a qualified doctor and close family members are present during the birth. All participants will move to a bed (or sleeping area) as the procedure begins, preferably one identified as a medical bed.

How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld

The player can monitor the progress of labor by using the mother’s health tab. Each stage of the suffering intensifies, quickly leaving the pawn helpless. Following delivery, the infant will show up on a nearby tile, and the mother will too worn out to walk for up to a day. The newborn could be in good health, fall unwell, or pass away during delivery. In addition, the mother could pass away during giving birth. The standard of the bed, the cleanliness of the space, the doctor’s qualifications, and the presence of family members all have an impact on this.

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Children develop four times as quickly as adults do naturally, thus they can age from 4 to 8 in a single year. When they turn 18 years old, they will be considered adults. The player should probably prepare them to be capable adults before that. They start out with relatively low skill levels, despite the fact that they can perform the majority of activities for any talent. If children are properly educated, they will move through developmental phases and pick up new skills and interests during distinct growth moments that happen at ages 7, 10, and 13.

This functions by meeting a brand-new requirement for kids: learning. A youngster can choose from a variety of learning-related activities, such as floor sketching, lessons, nature jogging, sky dreaming, and work watching, that the gamer can see which one they want to do next. Children will fulfill these criteria when they assigned to do Anything or Recreation. But they require adult involvement to complete job watching or lesson taking. Additionally, a child’s growth score will rise when their learning need satisfied.

How To Raise A Baby In Rimworld

Growth Rating

A child’s score can advance through eight learning levels as they mature, and each level offers greater benefits. Tiers provide the player additional options when selecting a child’s subsequent trait. The child’s growth levels will reset to 0 after a growth moment is over, and they will have to keep learning to win more prizes.

growth spurts

Children go through growth phases at 7, 10, and 13, and then at age 18 they become adults. If the player has been a good parent, they will receive a message when their child reaches the right biological age that will let them choose new qualities and interests. A window showing the child’s bio and health statistics will also be provided to them, along with a random selection of options from which to choose.

It’s important to note that even if a child is still a child when they reach the age of 13. The player will informed that the youngster has turned into an adult. They will discard their child’s clothes (if they have any) and dress like adults in this stage. They will also be able to research and forge. However, this is also the moment that some pre-existing medical conditions start to show symptoms.