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How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2

How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2. The bulk of the time, crossplay in video games is a good thing. Crossplay makes it possible to have a larger player base overall, enabling friends to play together across platforms, and gives players the choice of competing against users of all platforms or just their own. Unfortunately, crossplay can be difficult in games that depend on accurate aim, like most shooters like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.

Crossplay can be a little harmful if it’s required when keyboard and mouse players have to compete against controller users who get significant aim support or when console players feel continually under pressure from the hyper-precision of mouse and keyboard players. Thankfully, players may disable crossplay in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022). So let’s discuss how to accomplish this on each platform.

How to Disable Crossplay on a Computer

How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2
How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2

Sadly, there isn’t a way to disable cross-platform play on PC right now. There hasn’t been any official word on the subject, but given how many other UI flaws the game appears to have, it is highly probable that Infinity Ward will add the option at some point in the near future.

How to disable cross-platform play on the PlayStation

How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2

Players must go to the Options menu, then the Account and Network area, on Playstation, one of the game’s more popular gaming platforms, to turn it off. Then, there should be a crossplay On or Off button for them right there at the top. Players must make this change from the main menu or the launcher because it won’t be possible to do so while in a lobby, in the middle of a game, or during a tournament.

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How to disable Xbox Crossplay

The Xbox is the last option. Now, in Modern Warfare II’s in-game menus, there isn’t a mechanism to turn off crossplay like there is on PC as of yet (2022). But fortunately, fans have found a solution. It’s ironic that this solution should apply to all Xbox crossplay multiplayer games, not just MW2. Crossplay must now be turned off for Xbox players by:

  • The Xbox Dashboard, please.
  • Choose Settings.
  • Visit General.
  • Then come family and online safety.
  • Xbox Privacy follows.
  • Go to View Details and Customize after that.
  • Then comes multiplayer and communication.
How To Enable Crossplay In Modern Warfare 2

Players ought to see a You Can Join Cross-Network Play option with an Allow or Block selection after going through all of those processes. Select “Block” and save your settings. Players should receive a pop-up asking for their account pin before continuing to play Modern Warfare II. After entering it, they should be allowed to begin Matchmaking.

Players of MW2 should only enter Xbox-only player-only lobbies from now on! Any game’s decision to enable crossplay or disable it is typically merely a matter of player desire, but games should almost always provide the option so that users may decide for themselves.