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How To Fix The Ultrawide Issues In Marvel’s Midnight Suns

How To Fix The Ultrawide Issues In Marvel’s Midnight Suns

How To Fix The Ultrawide Issues In Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Since it has been available for a few days, Marvel’s Midnight Suns has joined the list of other top-notch Marvel books we’ve received in recent years. This new tactical strategy title from Firaxis is a fantastic addition to their library. The PC version mostly functions without any problems, however there are a few glitches and restrictions. Here is how to resolve the Ultrawide issues with Marvel’s Midnight Suns.

Resolving the Ultrawide Issues in Marvel’s Midnight Sun

Resolving the Ultrawide Issues in Marvel's Midnight Sun
Resolving the Ultrawide Issues in Marvel’s Midnight Sun

While gameplay in Marvel’s Midnight Suns uses ultrawide resolutions, cutscenes and dialogue exchanges do not. There is the typical pillarboxing that we see in other PC releases as well when a cutscene begins, which can be annoying and interfere with immersion. Fortunately, Lyall from the Widescreen gaming community has developed a fix for this, which you can install using the instructions below.

  • Visit the following GitHub link to get started.
  • Download the most recent patch zip by clicking under Assets as you continue to scroll down. Its current version is 0.0.1.
  • Use Winrar or 7zip to extract the MMSFix v0 0 file from the location where the game is installed. This usually occurs in the following spot. steamapps\common\Marvel’s Midnight Suns\MidnightSuns\Binaries\Win64
  • Use a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ to open the MMSFix.ini file and modify the patch’s various settings.
  • By default, it will make the required corrections without requiring your modification

You only need to do that for Marvel’s Midnight Suns to function without pillarboxing in cutscenes or dialogue the following time you launch it.

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How To Fix The Ultrawide Issues In Marvel’s Midnight Suns

Screenshots of contrast
Screenshots of contrast

The game appears like this after you’ve applied the patch. The following screenshot were posted on Github by the patch creator.

You can consider donating to Lyall at ko-fi if you want to give them credit for the patch.

Check out our other ultrawide guides for current releases including The Devil In Me, Hello Neighbor 2, and Gungrave GORE.