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How To Level Up Materia In Crisis Core Reunion

How To Level Up Materia In Crisis Core Reunion

How To Level Up Materia In Crisis Core Reunion. Players can equip materia, which was first used in Final Fantasy 7, to Zack in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion. Players have access to a wide range of fighting skills thanks to Materia. Materia provides up a wide range of potential tactics and skills that players can employ in conflict, from spells like Fire or Blizzard to physical strikes like Thunder Blade.

Additionally, materia can boost stats and raise the probability that particular characters will appear in the DMW gauge. The same as in the first Final Fantasy 7, players can level up their materials. Here’s how to quickly level up materia.

How To Level Up Materia In Crisis Core Reunion

The Workings of Leveling Materia
The Workings of Leveling Materia

Players of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion can only level up and master materia using the DMW gauge, same like when levelling up Zack. While Zack can levelled using 7-7-7 and enough EXP to cause a level increase, materia levelling is trickier. A limit verge occurs when the DMW gauge is on the verge of setting off a limit break.

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During this period, the materia in the corresponding slot will level up if two or all three numbers match and are between 1 and 6. A level will added to the materia if two numbers match. The material will advance two levels if all the numbers are correct. There are no experience points that affect how and when materia levels up, in contrast to levelling up. As a result, when it comes to levelling equipped materia, players are generally at the mercy of the DMW gauge.

How to Quickly Level Materia

How to Quickly Level Materia
How to Quickly Level Materia

Although material levelling is random, there are ways for players to speed up the process. The side objective Suspicious Mail 4 in M8-4-4 allows for the acquisition of a material that summons Moogles. The third chapter contains the missions that unlocked. All of the material that Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion players have equipped levelled up when a Moogle called.

On the DMW gauge, summons are unfortunately quite uncommon and infrequent. Therefore, even if players given the option to summon, there a very minimal chance. That it will the character they are looking for. The good news that the possibility of summoning a Moogle can increased thanks to a special material called Moogle Power. The bad news is that it takes place far later in the game than it should.

Getting Moogle Power can initially obtained by finishing side quest M2-4-1. “A Solitary Island.” By doing this, the Junon Souvenirs store opened. Where 10,000 Gil can spent to purchase Moogle Power. A bonus for finishing 70% of all assignments is Moogle Power. Players won’t be able to use Moogle Power to level materia quickly until much later in the game because both of these take some time to complete.