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Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter. Players of The Planet Crafter don’t seem to require nearly as much uranium compared to iridium or super alloy. There are numerous recipes and plans that mention iridium and super alloy, while uranium and uranium rods are only mentioned five times.

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter

But those five plans are extremely necessary. Rockets are the sole means of transportation that allows players to reach later terraformation stages in a fair period of time, as the Nuclear Generator and Nuclear Generator T2 give significantly more power than wind and solar energy. Because of this, it’s crucial for players to locate a consistent source of this radioactive substance, even though doing so can be more challenging than discovering vast quantities of iridium.

Unexpected Crates and Wrecks

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter
Unexpected Crates and Wrecks

The various containers and shipwrecks that dot The Planet Crafter’s map are where most players will first locate uranium. Although the contents of each crate are randomly generated, where the crates are positioned has less of an impact on what players will find than does the current stage of terraformation. It’s crucial to refrain from rescuing the entire map as soon as you can because of this. After reaching the Blue Sky stage, players can usually locate uranium, which is a pretty common resource.

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Uranium Deposits

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter
Uranium Deposits

The map has two uranium caves, which are located at opposite ends. The first one is located at 1785:25:1945 in the northeastern Highlands region (use the numbers in the lower-left corner of the HUD to find this spot). The second deposit is located at 583:36:666 in one of the Gate Desert’s sinkholes.

Players can set up an Ore Extractor T2 or T3 (not a T1!) in each cave to produce extra uranium. Not many Ore Extractors will fit in either cave, though, as they are both smaller and more rocky than the iridium and osmium caves. Thankfully, there is a more efficient approach to increase uranium production.

Uranium Meteors

Uranium Locations In Planet Crafter

Players can construct Asteroids Attraction Rockets, which enhance heat generation by 1000 percent every rocket, after they have access to the Launch Platform at 345 KTi. These rockets also summon a meteor shower of uranium, which will be the main source of uranium for many gamers.

Each meteor shower produces about a dozen meteors, each of which spreads four to five uranium rocks across the surrounding area. Even if players launch three or four different types of rocket at once, this is an extremely effective technique to acquire uranium because each rocket only requires two to manufacture. Using these rockets to produce uranium benefits players in a number of different ways because they also speed up global terraformation.