You are currently viewing Crescent Moon Nut Location In Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
Crescent Moon Nut Location In Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

Crescent Moon Nut Location In Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

Crescent Moon Nut Location In Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. In order to advance one of Bardock’s “Special Members of the Frieza Force” side missions, players in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot must have the Crescent Moon Nut, which they can obtain from an NPC by the name of Melone. It’s difficult to find the Crescent Moon Nut in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot since you have to utilise Ki Sense to find it.

We’ve put together this helpful guide regarding where to find the Crescent Moon Nut in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot to make things easier for you.

Crescent Moon Nut Location in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Crescent Moon Nut Location in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

Between Main City Area and the Campfire, you can discover the Crescent Moon Nut next to a tree.

Here is a screenshot from Reddit user SuperVegitoFAN that shows where the Crescent Moon Nut is located precisely:

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Due to the name of the Crescent Moon Nut in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, most players are unable to locate it. They frequently search for it on shrubs or trees, supposing it is a forageable resource. However, the Crescent Moon Nut resembles a collectable ball in look.

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

You can go back to Melone to get the following rewards if you already have the Fatty Giant Fish, an additional item needed to finish Bardock’s side quest, and you were able to locate the Crescent Moon Nut.

  • 18,665 EXP
  • Two D Medals
  • Two Bean Jelly
  • Excellent Livestock Milk x 3
  • One Melone Special

This finishes our walkthrough of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot’s Crescent Moon Nut locations.


Why can't I buy Kakarot in India?

It is not prohibited. It’s accessible on the PS4 (both physical and digital download). It might be troubles with publisher Namco Bandai, as Ken Xyro said. There is no regulating agency or controlling law in India, hence there aren’t many game bans before release (like CBFC for movies).

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