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How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep

How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep

How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep. Players can learn how to avoid dangerous sharks in Stranded Deep and how to cope with them if they attack by using this tutorial.

The most dangerous predator in Stranded Deep is the shark, also known as the king of the ocean. It moves swiftly and with aggression. Even worse, it frequently looks to be searching for trouble, which is bad news for players in the end.

How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep

If you want to avoid sharks in Stranded Deep, here are some tips that might help:

  • Stay away from the water: Sharks are most commonly found in the water, so try to avoid getting into the ocean as much as possible.
  • Avoid bloody water: Sharks can detect blood in the water from miles away, so be careful when harvesting or killing animals in the water. If you must kill something, do it away from where you’re swimming.
  • Use a spear: If you do have to go into the water, it’s best to use a spear to defend yourself. Sharks can be killed with a few well-placed strikes with a spear.
  • Stay near the shore: Sharks tend to stay in deeper waters, so staying near the shore is often safer.
  • Swim in a group: Sharks are more likely to attack a solitary swimmer than a group, so try to swim with others.
  • Make noise: Sharks are attracted to sounds that resemble struggling prey, so making noise while you’re in the water can help deter them.
  • Watch for signs of shark activity: If you see a lot of fish jumping out of the water or birds circling overhead, it may be a sign that there are sharks in the area.

Remember that sharks are a natural part of the game and can add to the challenge and excitement of playing Stranded Deep. With these tips, you should be able to stay safe while exploring the ocean.

How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep
How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep

How To Avoid Sharks In Stranded Deep

In Stranded Deep, players will unavoidably be searching for strategies to stay away from sharks, especially at beginning. Thankfully, there a few various strategies the game provides for avoiding shark attacks; the best of these listed here.

The Greatest Shark Avoidance Technique in Stranded Deep

Players can use shark repellent to keep sharks at bay. A Lionfish, a coconut flask, and an antidote are the components of this craftable item. Shark repellent keeps them away for 12 hours, and the watch lets you monitor its impact.

How to make shark repellent in Stranded Deep is as follows:

  • One coconut and one lashing can used to create an empty coconut flask.
  • To obtain the remedy, place one Pipi plant inside a different coconut flask.
  • Catch a lionfish, then make some shark repellent.

It’s crucial to remember that lionfish cannot grasped and are highly dangerous. Players must therefore retain them in their inventory and avoid touching them in order to get around this (If anything goes wrong, they can consume an antidote to cure its poisoning effect).

Swim in the shallow seas close to the islands as another option to stay clear of sharks in Stranded Deep. Although it’s not a guarantee, it lessens the possibility of a shark attack because these animals often prefer deeper waters.

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Sharks who make eye contact become less aggressive. According to players, a shark will be 50% less likely to attack if it looks you in the eye. It, however, is merely a workaround in the absence of any other security measures.

How to Kill a Shark Quickly and Cheaply

How to Kill a Shark Quickly and Cheaply
How to Kill a Shark Quickly and Cheaply

Sharks are more powerful beneath water, thus it’s best to kill them when standing on a raft or other sturdy surface. Players only need to look down into the sea to do this, then every time a shark passes by, they must shoot it with a spear.

The crude spear is the most effective weapon for killing sharks. It may deal less damage than the polished spear, but it is simpler to make and has a similar amount of power.

Shark hunting is legal with a hunter competence of level 6 or higher, however there is no actual cap on how many sharks can taken. In Stranded Deep, a shark may defeated by any novice player with enough resources and persistence.

Facts About Aggressive and Passive Sharks

Stranded Deep plays different music whenever a shark is nearby. That should be considered a subtle warning sign, but not all sharks in Stranded Deep are predators. The blacktip reef and whale shark, for example, are passive. They never attack players and flee when someone tries to hunt them.

  • Sharks do not re-emerge.
  • Killing a shark rewards the player with huge flesh.
  • Sharks can topple both rubber and wooden rafts.
  • Sharks that are passive never attack players, not even to defend themselves.