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How To Defeat LMP In Mighty Doom Boss

How To Beat LMP In Mighty Doom Boss

How To Beat LMP In Mighty Doom Boss. Defeating the LMP in Mighty Doom can be challenging, but there are several strategies that you can use to increase your chances of success:

  • Take cover: The LMP is a powerful enemy that can deal a lot of damage quickly. To avoid taking too much damage, take cover behind pillars or other objects in the environment. Use the environment to your advantage, and don’t be afraid to retreat if you need to.
  • Use the right weapons: The LMP is weak against the Plasma Rifle and the Rocket Launcher. These weapons can deal a lot of damage to the LMP quickly, so use them whenever possible.
  • Aim for the weak points: The LMP has several weak points that you can target to deal extra damage. These include the blue glowing orbs on its shoulders and the exposed circuitry on its chest. Focus your attacks on these weak points to take down the LMP faster.
  • Keep moving: The LMP can shoot powerful energy blasts that can track you, so keep moving to avoid getting hit. Use double jumps and dash moves to evade its attacks and stay out of harm’s way.
  • Stay patient: Defeating the LMP takes time and patience. Don’t rush your attacks or get too aggressive, as this can leave you vulnerable to counterattacks. Instead, take your time and wait for the right opportunities to strike.

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of defeating the LMP in Mighty Doom and progressing further in the game. Good luck!

The run and gun action of Mighty DOOM is familiar, but everything is at fun-sized proportions! Blast your way through hordes of demons as the Doom Slayer, then face off against strong bosses modeled after legendary foes from DOOM’s past.

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How To Beat LMP In Mighty Doom Boss

Mighty DOOM: How to defeat the Imp boss
Mighty DOOM: How to defeat the Imp boss

The Imp is the game’s last boss that you fight at the conclusion of the first chapter, Earth. On stage 40, there an Imp that must defeated in order to open Earth Pt. 2, the second chapter.

The boss version of the Imp, despite resembling an enormous regular Imp. Not particularly threatening because it employs the same kinds of assaults that you accustomed to.

The Imp’s primary assault, in which they hurl fireballs at you, is remarkably similar to the attack of an ordinary Imp. The boss Imp’s fireballs differ only in that they fly quicker and have a wider explosion radius.

Mighty Doom Boss
Mighty Doom Boss

Never stop moving if you want to avoid the Imp’s fireballs. You should be able to outrun all of the fireballs as long as you keep racing in the same direction because the fireballs are extremely accurate and track the Doom Slayer’s specific location.

A massive flurry of fireballs released all at once during the Imp’s second strike. Make sure to simply leave the area as soon as you can because the fireballs are all directed in the general direction of the Doom Slayer.

When the Imp unleashes its fireball onslaught, it may initially appear as though there is nowhere to run, but there is always a way out. Make a frenzied run for the nearest region that unaffected by fireballs.

The Imp uses those two methods mostly. If you get good at avoiding these blows, you should be able to defeat the Imp rather quickly.


How do you defeat Doom 3's last boss?

Use the Soul Cube as soon as the boss’s introduction cutscene ends so that you only need to charge it three times. Following four charges, the Cyberdemon will have one of its legs severed by the Soul Cube, which will then crash into its head and kill it.