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Aliens: Dark Descent How to Wake Up Comatose Marines

Aliens: Dark Descent How to Wake Up Comatose Marines

Aliens: Dark Descent How to Wake Up Comatose Marines. In Aliens: Dark Descent, your marines might experience a variety of physical and psychological conditions while on a mission. One of these is the possibility of entering a comatose state anytime a marine’s health reaches zero. Leaving them ineffective in combat.

We have put together this helpful advice on how to wake up unconscious marines in Aliens: Dark Descent to make sure you don’t find yourself in such a precarious situation.

Aliens: Dark Descent How to Wake Up Comatose Marines

Aliens: Dark Descent
Aliens: Dark Descent

Marines who unconscious can revived in Aliens: Dark Descent utilizing the Reanimator carried by Medic class marines. To begin with, you must level up a Rookie marine to level 3 in order to unlock the Medic class. Moving a rookie to the Medic class may difficult because class selection determined by RNG.

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Assuming you were successful in recruiting a marine of the Medic class. Your next task is to use thirty materials to acquire the Reanimator Kit upgrade. Assuming you possess the required quantity of materials, go to the Barracks area and choose the Medic.

Aliens: Dark Descent
Aliens: Dark Descent

After completing that, choose Upgrades from the menu. Then find the Reanimator Kit upgrade and unlock it with the aforementioned resources. When the necessity arises, you prepared to awaken any unconscious marine aside from. The Medic itself because you have obtained the Medic and the Reanimator Kit upgrade.

You can choose the specific marine who has fallen into a comatose state. And utilize the Reanimator to reawaken and prepare them for war right now.


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Along with corporals Dietrich (Cynthia Dale Scott) and Ferro (Colette Hiller), the Colonial Marine cast also includes privates Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein), Drake (Mark Rolston), Spunkmeyer (Daniel Kash), Crowe (Tip Tipping), and Wierzbowski.