Outriders release date,review,update announced: PC/Console,crossplay bugs addressed

OUTRIDERS is a new co-op 3rd person RPG shooter supporting full cross play and free next gen upgrades. Out 01.04.21. Demo available 25.02.21.

Recently, Outriders announced a major update to fix all the problems that the game currently affects.

The launch of Outriders was greatly diminished by the existence of many problems in the game from bugs and authentication problems to server and game crashes.

Despite every issue, several players won during the first week of the game’s immersive gameplay and a fascinating storyline.

However, the unpolluted release is quite deceived by a large section of the population. Despite this, developers announced they currently are testing the update to solve all the recurrent problems of the game.

The update should also soon, possibly later in the coming week, be posted.

Square Enix has obviously a reputation for historical games like Final Fantasy, Life is Strange and Tomb Raider. That said, the business will not sit idly watching as Outriders thwarts the society.

Developers confirm upcoming update in Outriders to address in-game issues
  • The developers built a reddit thread with all known problems and potential workaround reports on problems as soon as the game was launched.
  • This thread has helped countless players to conquer numerous barriers and allowed developers in Outriders to keep track of new issues.
  • That said, the group is not surprised by the news that Outriders will be updated to deal with all the recurrent issues.
  • It is fair to assume, however, that the disagreement of the society will continue to widen unless the problems are corrected.
Game crashed on Xbox Series X and it took my pants. Anyway we can get our stuff back or any fix known?
Level 30 booted me out the game lost everything

Regardless of whether the disconnections continue, the HUDs vanish, or the communication screen, the group has had much bitter experience. All these problems must now be addressed and players with optimum experience will be provided by the developers.

If the developers correct all bugs and failures in the game, the immersive storey and gameplay of Outriders will certainly attract many players in the future.