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Where to Find Yeast Location in the New World?

Where to Find Yeast Location in the New World?. There is a lot more to New World than just combat; players can make a lot of use of cooking for themselves. Yeast is an important ingredient in many recipes. We’ll show you where to find yeast in New World in this guide.

Where Can I Find Yeast in the New World?

You can’t always count on getting Yeast out of every crate you open. Because each crate has a 60-minute reset timer, you must plan your farming trips accordingly. Shattered Mountain, Monarch’s Bluffs, and Brightwood are popular places to farm yeast.

The best way to ensure you get a lot of yeast is to visit a location with a lot of provisions nearby.

We’ve highlighted the areas in Shattered Mountain, Monarch’s Bluffs, and Brightwood where you’ll have the best chance of finding yeast.

Rotating through the three areas mentioned above should be enough to find the provision crates resetting behind you. You are free to look for provisions in other areas, but it is preferable to stick to this rotation.

Begin cooking as soon as you have the desired amount of yeast. You’ll be able to craft items that will aid you in PvE while also improving your cooking skills!

Mountain in Ruins

Simply stick to the three densely populated areas shown below, and you’ll have plenty of provisions to loot.

Where To Find Yeast in New World

The Monarch’s Bluffs

You can begin collecting crates from either North or South depending on where you enter the area.

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Where To Find Yeast in New World


In Brightwood, you can pretty much carve a path throughout the region in search of provisions, whether you start from up North or down South, as we have outlined below. Along with yeast, there is a lot of salt, which is an important ingredient in cooking.

Where To Find Yeast in New World

The Trading Post

This is the only way to locate yeast in the game. You can, however, try the trading post. If you come across yeast for sale, you can purchase it there, but this method may be a bit pricey.

Where to Find Yeast Location in the New World?