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Darkest Dungeon 2 How To Gain Mastery Points

Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Gain Mastery Points

Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Gain Mastery Points.In Darkest Dungeon 2, each character has a unique set of abilities that make them a nightmare for, well, the other nightmares in that bleak world. You’ll also be able to enhance those skills to make them more powerful. Here’s how you get Mastery points in Darkest Dungeon 2 and how to spend them.

The places where you can get Mastery points to improve your skills

  • Battles – Marked encounters on the map, and even some random ones, might provide you with Mastery points.
  • Hero Shrines – The Hero Shrines that you discover in zones will provide points, as well as a new skill for the chosen character.
  • Lairs – Considering that Lairs have tough bosses, such as The Dreaming General in The Tangle, then you can expect this type of reward, too.
  • Clears – The Guardian fights at the end of each zone will always grant points.
  • Task completions – Before you leave the Inn, make sure you review the special task in each zone before setting out. Some of these might grant you a Mastery point upon completion. Examples include reaching the next Inn while avoiding the Hoarder or only fighting one resistance encounter.

In Darkest Dungeon 2, which skills should you prioritise with your Mastery points?

In Darkest Dungeon 2, the Mastery points you earn are a shared resource for the entire group. As a result, due to constraints, you must prioritise the proper skills only at the start of your run. If you only have three points, for example, you can’t just go out and spend whatever you have.

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Here are some ideas for the first few characters:

  • Plague Doctor – Battlefield Medicine, Ounce of Prevention, and Noxious Blast.
  • Grave Robber – Poison Dart, Absinthe, and Flashing Daggers.
  • Highwayman – Duelist’s Advance and Pistol Shot.
  • Man-at-Arms – Bolster and Hold The Line.

There’s a strong possibility you’ll have half a dozen Mastery points left over after clearing a zone. This is the time to improve the ones you weren’t able to choose previously. When you finish clearing your second zone, you’ll most likely upgrade the rest as well.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Mastery points in Darkest Dungeon 2 do not carry over across runs. As a result, even if you managed to level up every character’s skill, once you complete (or fail) Act 1, they’ll revert to their default states.

Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Gain Mastery Points