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Top Free Games On Steam 2021

Top Free Games On Steam 2021.Steam is the king of all platforms when it comes to PC gaming. Hundreds of thousands of people use Steam every day to play games, shop for deals, and talk with other gamers. It’s certainly one of the most popular gaming apps, and more and more businesses are jumping on the Steam bandwagon to offer their wares. Even free-to-play game developers have turned to Steam to market their releases.

In truth, there are a plethora of excellent free-to-play games available on Steam, but some are far superior to others. Here’s a look at some of the finest free-to-play games that anyone can download right now on Steam to help gamers pick which one to try next.

Top Free Games On Steam 2021

War Thunder

War Thunder is a must-have for everyone who enjoys jumping into tanks, jets, and boats as soon as possible while playing games like Battlefield or Arma. This polished free-to-play epic is a pleasure to play with buddies or solo, and it surely satisfies the desire for military vehicular conflict.

With vehicles, add-ons, and more, there’s a lot to unlock. Players can choose to fight in huge battles with several vehicles or switch modes to only participate in plane dogfights or land vehicle skirmishes. For a free-to-play game, War Thunder has a lot to offer.

Apex Legends

Players in games like PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite helped to usher in a new era of Battle Royale games, pitting them against one another on vast battlefields where they had to explore zones, acquire items, and remove the enemy. It’s a fun concept, and the genre has exploded in popularity in recent years, but one game in particular took the basic structure and turned it into something unique and exciting.

Apex Legends follows the same Battle Royale format as its predecessor, but adds a slew of new heroes with unique talents and abilities. It’s like a cross between Overwatch and PUBG, and it’s a lot of fun to play with friends.

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Phantasy Star Online 2

For what seemed like an eternity, players had been anticipating the arrival of Phantasy Star 2 in the West, and many believed it would never happen. It may have taken almost a decade, but western users can now get a free copy of Phantasy Star Online 2 by going to Steam. Since its release in 2020, this game has attracted a large number of committed followers, and the latest update with New Genesis promises to resurrect it even further, propelling it into the future.

There are numerous classes to choose from, the fighting is addictive, and there is so much pre-existing material that gamers may have hours of fun with this release without ever spending a dollar.


Some free-to-play games are simply enormous in terms of the amount of content they offer. They manage to bring massive gaming worlds to life without ever being “pay to win” or obnoxiously repetitive thanks to a sound revenue strategy based on things like cosmetics. Warframe may appear to be simply another grindy game in a sea of similar releases on the surface, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Thanks to its addicting battle mechanics and a large selection of warframes to pick from, Warframe is arguably one of the most interesting and engaging free-to-play games ever launched. In this gaming universe, players might spend infinite hours merely experimenting with different warframes and their skills.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a free-to-play FPS that should appeal to FPS lovers. Even though it was originally published in 2012, this massively popular FPS has been entertaining fans for so long that it still sees hundreds of thousands of players every day. To stay relevant on Steam for almost a decade, a game has to do something right, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has found a formula that keeps people coming back for more.

If you’re looking for some fast-paced skill-shooting action, this game should be at the top of your list. It’s fluid, enjoyable, and fiercely competitive.


MOBAs have taken the world by storm, with games like DOTA 2 and League of Legends attracting millions of players every day. PVP-hungry gamers keep coming back for more thanks to its attractive free-to-play format and big pool of champions.

Smite is a slightly unusual twist on the standard model, featuring a third-person camera view that makes the gameplay far more exciting and skill-based than its top-down predecessors. Smite should appeal to those who prefer games like Warframe and FPS shooters more than many other MOBAs. It’s unquestionably one of the best free-to-play games available.

Destiny 2

Many fans were disappointed to learn that Bungie would be handing over the Halo franchise to another firm in order to focus on a different project, but things ended out well when the team produced Destiny. FPS aficionados from all over the world remember the original title fondly. Bungie is continuously churning out material in the modern era, with its most recent release in Destiny 2.

Although some may consider it a grind, Destiny 2’s gunplay is among the best ever seen in a first-person shooter. Those looking for perfectly tuned combat that looks and feels amazing should head to Destiny 2’s vast worlds to participate in a fun PvE and PvP scenario.

Top Free Games On Steam 2021