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How To Melee In God of War

How To Melee In God of War. God of War is now available on consoles and computers. Large creatures, a gripping storey, and, most importantly, harsh fighting are all present and correct. Kratos is capable of destroying his opponents with his bare fists. So, how do you perform a melee assault in God of War? Let us walk you through the process.

God of War: How to Melee

To melee enemies, simply sheathe your weapon with the left or right d-pad on PlayStation, or the numerical keys on PC, allowing Kratos to smash them down with his bare hands. You can punch with the R1 and R2 buttons, as well as the left and right mouse buttons, but don’t be fooled: Kratos is just as dangerous with his bare fists as he is with any other weapon. Dismantling an enemy by punching them to death is also immensely pleasurable.

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The God of War series is known for its fascinating and chaotic action, and while this instalment twists things up a bit, it stays true to its roots. Switching between the axe and Kratos’ bare fists is fluid and enjoyable, so do so frequently to keep battle fresh.

That’s all there is to it when it comes to melee assaults in God of War on PS4. Check out our ever-growing wiki for more information on the game.