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How To Get Cybepunk 2077 Cyberhands In Dying Light 2

How To Get Cybepunk 2077 Cyberhands In Dying Light 2. This guide will show players how to locate the Cyber Hands 2177 in Dying Light 2. Which are very similar to the Mantis Blades in Cyberpunk 2077.

Dying Light 2 contains a number of Easter eggs, including one that refers to CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. This Easter egg manifests as the Cyber Hands 2177. A special weapon that resembles the iconic Mantis Blades from Cyberpunk 2077. Details on how to get Dying Light 2 Cyber Hands 2177 can found. In this guide for those who want to add this weapon to their arsenals.

How To Get Cyber Hands In Dying Light 2 2177

Players must climb to the top of the tallest building. In the Central Loop’s Garrison to obtain the Cyber Hands 2177. The VNC Tower is that building, and while it can scaled from the outside. There is a much easier way to reach its roof. After completing the Broadcast storey mission in Dying Light 2. There is an elevator on the first floor of the VNC. Tower that players can use to reach the top of the building.

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Fans should head to the southwest edge of the VNC. Tower’s roof and use their gliders to reach the top of the building with the tall antenna once they arrive. The fans should then ascend the ducts on the roof’s. South side and glide to the top of the building directly in front of them. After speaking with Liquidator, who should be standing near the southeast corner of the roof. Dying Light 2 players will receive the Cyber Hands 2177 blueprint from a nearby container.

It’s worth noting that some fans aren’t seeing Liquidator. In this position and thus can’t find the Cyberpunk 2077 Easter egg. While it appears that the NPC does not appear after completing the storey in Dying Light 2. This does not always appear to be the case. As a result, if a player discovers that Liquidator not where he should it recommended. That they return after completing the story.

Last but not least, the structure that houses the antenna that used to contact Liquidator is quite unique. Indeed, players can obtain some very interesting items from within that structure. Including a charm that can used to effectively give weapons infinite durability in Dying Light 2. Fans will need to solve a puzzle before they can access those items, though, and it centres around powering up a series of generators.

Dying Light 2 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, with a Nintendo Switch version in the works.

How To Get Cybepunk 2077 Cyberhands In Dying Light 2