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Summerset Shadows Quest Guide In Skyrim

Summerset Shadows Quest Guide In Skyrim. Delvin Mallory and Vex can found while exploring Riften and the Thieves Guild in Skyrim. These two NPCs are members of the Thieves Guild and appear in a number of quests. You’ll need to complete a separate quest for Delvin if you want to finish the Under New Management quest.

We’ll go through how to complete Summerset Shadows, the linked Thieves Guild task for Windhelm, in this article. Thieves Guild tasks will available in other locations, such as Markarth and Whiterun, and can taken by Delvin. Let’s start with the qualifications that must met before you may begin Summerset Shadows.

Completing Five Small Jobs

Only once you’ve completed five modest jobs for Delvin and Vex will you be able to start this quest. All you have to do to get a tiny job is speak with one of these NPCs.

Small jobs (also known as Radiant) generated at random and require you to retrieve an item from a certain area. In general, these simple jobs are quick to complete and shouldn’t take long.

After you’ve accepted and performed five assignments for Windhelm, Delvin will inform you that there’s a rival guild called Summerset Shadows making a lot of noise, and you should investigate it.

Locating Torsten Cruel-Sea

Delvin will tell you about a wealthy trader named Torsten Cruel-Sea who requires assistance when you chat with him. Travel to Windhelm and chat with him as soon as possible. Torsten might found roaming throughout the city and around the city walls.

Torsten will inform you that this rival guild assassinated his daughter and took her silver locket once you chat with him. Torsten had already executed the person responsible for his daughter’s death, but in the process, he discovered the new rival guild.

Finally, Torsten will reveal the identity of someone who may be responsible for the murder: Niranye. You’ll have to speak with her now.

Speaking With Niranye

During the day, Niranye is an Altmer merchant who can found in a stall near the White Phial. If you’re looking for her late at night, go to the New Gnisis Cornerclub.

Confront Niranye about Torsten’s daughter once you’ve located her. You’ll have a few choices for obtaining the information she’s withholding. Looking for confirmation of Niryane’s involvement is the simplest method to gain the information she has.

This proof may found at Niranye’s house, a huge residence on Windhelm’s east side. Inside the house, look for a concealed panel in the back of the eastern room. This will bring you to the basement, where you’ll find a safe containing letters from the Summerset Shadows’ chief naming their refuge.

Persuasion and Intimidation

You can try to persuade or frighten Niranye if your speech level is high enough. Nothing will happen if these attempts do not succeed. She will inform you if they are successful.

Niranye’s assassination

The final choice is to assassinate Niranye. If you select the following option while speaking with her, this will occur.

  • I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for this!

You can loot the letters containing information from her body once she’s dead.

Uttering Hills Cave

The Summerset Shadows’ refuge, Uttering Hills Cave, mentioned in the letters to Niranye. This place is located west of Windhelm, above a snow-capped mountain.

When you arrive, you’ll notice a modest camp set up outside the cave’s entrance. You have two options here: kill the Shadows or sneak past them.

As you enter, you’ll notice a little area with two routes running in opposite directions. Both of these roads will lead to the same room, and each path will contain one Shadow. Choose a path, kill the Shadow, and enter the cave where the paths intersect.

Continue along the cave’s basic path until you reach a banner with two doors on either side. Two Shadows are behind the left door, while Linwe, the Summerset Shadow’s boss, is behind the right door.

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Linwe’s defeat

When you walk into the room with Linwe, he will start attacking you right away. In general, you should be able to dispatch him fairly swiftly. After he’s died, search his body for the silver locket, as well as his armour and weapons.

Leaving The Cave

You must return the way you came to exit the cave; there is no secret door via which you can exit.

You’ll have the opportunity to burn the flag once you’ve reached the location with the banner and two doors. Any fire spell, as well as a shout, can used to accomplish this. Burning the banner has a good probability of alerting Linwe if you successfully pickpocketed the locket from him without killing him.

Position yourself at a safe distance and instantly hide after burning the flag so Linwe is not aware of your presence.

Returning To Torsten

It’s time to return to Windhelm and speak with Torsten now that you have the locket. The task will completed once the locket returned.


As a reward, you will receive the following.

  • An enchanted Ring, Circlet or Necklace
  • If you didn’t kill Niranye, she will become a fence
  • A new merchant outside the Ragged Flagon

Finally, surrounding Windhelm, three Thief Cache barrels will materialise. These loot-filled barrels that reset after you leave town for more than 10 days. The barrels can found in the following locations in Windhelm.

  • Outside Niranye’s House
  • Behind the door to Sadri’s used Wares
  • In an alcove to the north of the door to Hjerim

With, Summerset Shadows finished. Remember to finish the remaining modest assignments for Delvin and Vex so you can finish Under New Management and become the Thieves Guild’s leader.

Summerset Shadows Quest Guide In Skyrim