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Phantom Crest Locations In Elden Ring

Phantom Crest Locations In Elden Ring. The locations of all three phantom crests may found in this short guide for Elden Ring. Gamers wanting to get to Mirage Rise.

Players will come across Mirage Rise near the Second Church of Marika. When they explore the Altus Plateau region in Elden Ring. On the in-game map, this place appears as a tower. However fans will initially find no such structure in this area. Instead, players will come across a tome instructing them to touch three phantom crests. Which this guide will explain where they are and how to go to Elden Ring’s Mirage Rise.

Phantom Crest Locations In Elden Ring: Mirage Rise

There are three phantom crests, according to the Mirage Rise tome. The first of which is just adjacent to the tome itself. Players should use Elden Ring to summon Torrent and ride southwestward from this position. Fans should rush straight into the second crest after a short distance, and prepared. To fight some phantom imps when they arrive.

While the first two Mirage Rise phantom crests are rather easy to locate, the last one is more difficult. Players need travel east and pause between the Bower of Bounty and the Forest-Spanning Greatbridge Sites of Grace in Elden Ring to find it. The Sites of Grace are located approximately southwest of the Minor Erdtree on the Altus Plateau, and players should look for a massive boulder in the location depicted on the map below.

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Players should hit this boulder with any assault after finding it, which has a characteristic glow at night, to unveil the third and final phantom crest. Indeed, this rock illusory, and Elden Ring enthusiasts only need to interact with the hidden crest once it exposed to finish the riddle and return to the Mirage Rise tome with a tall tower. All that’s left to return to the tower, climb it, and receive the three rewards that await you at the top.

Mirage Rise Reward: Elden Ring

There is a chest in the tower that contains Unseen Blade and Unseen Form for those players who are wondering about the rewards they will receive for clearing the Mirage Rise puzzle. The first of these Elden Ring sorceries completely conceals a right-hand armament, while the second partially conceals the caster. A Slumber Egg may be found near the chest on a corpse, which can be used to make Clarifying Cured Meat and Clarifying White Cured Meat.

Elden Ring is a PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Series X|S game.

Phantom Crest Locations In Elden Ring