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Coil Shield Location In Elden Ring

Coil Shield Location In Elden Ring. Elden Ring players can use the Coil Shield. To strike back with a snake bite from their shield, and this guide will show you where to get it.

Players can employ a wide range of weapons, shields, and magic. In Elden Ring to defeat the fearsome monsters that lurk in the Lands Between. The Coil Shield, a light shield that can summon a snake head to bite at adversaries straight. Ahead of it, is one of these gadgets.

Elden Ring is an open-world action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware, the company behind Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. It offers a large open world filled with dungeons to explore and secrets to solve.

Table of Contents

The Ninth Campsite On Mount Gelmir

Mt Gelmir’s Ninth Campsite (shown in red on the map above) is the best area. To start looking for the coil shield. Players exploring the Mt Gelmir region (presumably looking. To pursue Patches and/or Rya’s quest lines) are likely to have come across it already.

If you haven’t found it yet, you can find it by crossing. The bridge into the Mt Gelmir region of the Altus Plateau. The players should then continue on the path until. They come upon a ladder on the left that leads up the cliffs. Players should then continue ascending and ahead through the cliffs until they reach a rope bridge. Which leads to the Campsite on the far side of the bridge, beside a Spiritspring and a staircase. The Grace at this location is conveniently located near the Coil Shield and is an ideal starting point.

Volcano Cave

Players will eventually find a place where they can drop down a hole safely (use rainbow stones thrown down the hole to check for a safe spot to land, they’ll shatter if the fall would kill) and double back on themselves to find a cave entrance if they head northeast from Mt Gelmir’s Ninth Campsite and follow the mountain’s curve (Marked in red on the map above).

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Players entering Volcano Cave should be on the lookout for demi-humans, who arrive in groups of five a short distance in. After dispatching the first group, proceed via the tunnel in the chamber’s northwest corner to a tiny room, and then down the hill to the north in that room to a room filled of boxes. This area has four Demi-humans, thus players should eliminate them before searching it. Can be found on one of the two corpses to the southeast of this room.

The Coil Shield

The Coil Shield is a tiny shield that blocks 52 percent of physical damage and has good resistance to poison, magic, light, and holy energy. The Weapon Skill “Viper Bite” sends out a snake to bite enemies from a great distance, causing poison accumulation when it hits, and only costs 8FP to use.

Elden Ring is currently available on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Coil Shield Location In Elden Ring