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Elden Ring: How To Cheese Margit The Fell Omen

Elden Ring: How To Cheese Margit The Fell Omen. Margit In Elden Ring, the Fell Omen is the first significant boss you’ll face. This boss battle can be difficult if you haven’t explored and levelled your character enough. We’ll go over how you can cheese Margit in our Elden Ring guide.

Cheese Margit In Elden Ring

To begin, walk to the Dragon-Burnt Ruins and descend the stairwell to the underground level. There are a handful of rats here that you’ll have to kill. Deal with them and continue on until you reach the chest, which is a trap that teleports you to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel. This is a high-level location, and the mobs here can quickly kill you.

To avoid being discovered, you must slip past the opponents. Interact with the location of lost grace by going down the mine. Get out of the mine by passing through the cave. The Rotten Stray Ashes can be found by moving forward and slightly to the left.

Advance to the Swamp of Aeonia and engage with the Grace Site. Limgrave, you must now teleport to the beginning area. Proceed to Margit via the Stormgate.

You must summon the Rotten Stray once you have arrived at the area. After that, you can begin the boss battle. In general, we recommend letting the summoned spirits take all of the strikes to keep you safe, but the Rotten Stray must attack Margin enough times to apply a special effect.

To accomplish this, you must maintain the spirit alive for as long as possible. So you’ll need to draw the boss’s attention to you a few times to keep the spirit from dying too soon. You can inflict damage on Margin by striking a few blows, but you don’t have to do much.

How To Cheese Margit The Fell Omen

Margit’s head will turn crimson once the Rotten Stray has applied Rot to the boss. When it happens, the monster may also be staggered, allowing you to move in for a critical attack.

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Simply move away from the boss once the Rot status effect has been applied, and the Rot effect will slowly reduce the HP bar. If you perceive a window of opportunity, you can attack, but the most important thing is to remain away and stay alive. It’s best if the boss dies on its own.

Margit’s Shackle

You can receive an item called Margit’s Shackle to help you with the boss fight. This item allows you to pin Margit down for a few seconds, giving you time to deliver damage. During the boss fight, you can use this item twice.

Patches is where you can receive the item. He may be found in Limgrave’s Murkwater Cave Dungeon. He’ll be found in the cave to the northeast. He’ll fight you until he’s half-dead, at which point he’ll surrender. Continue not to attack him. You can buy Margit’s Shackle from him for 5,000 Runes if you spare him. It’s worth noting that if you choose to murder him, you’ll receive his bell.

In Elden Ring, this is how you can easily cheese Margit. If you want to understand more about the game, have a look at our tutorial on how to obtain all of the Legendary Talismans. You can also read our guide to obtaining all of the Legendary Weapons. Check out our Elden Ring guidelines hub for more information.

Elden Ring: How To Cheese Margit The Fell Omen