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Chrono Cross:  How To Get Leena

Chrono Cross:  How To Get Leena. Chrono Cross is an intriguing single-player RPG in which you can enlist up to 45 characters. You can always add a character to your team so that he goes with you when you recruit him. However, if you make a bad decision at a specific time in the game, some characters may be permanently banned from you. Leena is one of those characters, and now we’ll assist you in seizing the opportunity and obtaining her.

How To Get Leena In Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Edition Leena 696x392 1

Leena is one of the greatest mages in the game, and we strongly advise every player to grab her.

To obtain Leena, do the following steps:

  • You will face soldiers on your first expedition to Cape Hole.
  • After you’ve defeated them, the Kid character will offer you to join his team.
  • You must decline his offer. The game will then offer you two more chances to add this character to your party, but you must still decline.

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5 chrono cross
  • Then you must travel to the village of Arni and spend the entire day there relaxing.
  • If you perform everything correctly, Leena will approach you in the morning and invite you to join her team.

We’d want to reassure you just a little bit. Even if you reject the Kid character, you will be able to recruit him once you reach the next village. You could use Kid’s “Teleport” ability to easily swap your team in safe spots if you obtained him immediately away. Getting Leena, on the other hand, is far more profitable, and a little patience with the teleport isn’t a bad thing to pay.

Chrono Cross:  How To Get Leena