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How To Get Dancers Class Fire Emblem

How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem

How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem. There are several classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes that may unlocked. But the Dancer particularly cleverly hidden.

Players can choose from a variety of classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. That they can unlock and utilize throughout the game. This article will explain how to unlock the Dancer class, which is a little more complicated than most.

A hack and slash action role-playing game. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes was create by Omega Force and released by Nintendo. As “Shez,” a mercenary with a vendetta, goes out to get revenge on the Ashen Demon. Players assume control of him. As a war for the fate of Fodlan rages, players join forces with one of the three Houses. And take part in innumerable battles for their chosen group.

Finding the Dancer Manual

How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem
How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem

Players must go to a specific location on the War Map during chapters 12. (In Crimson Blaze and Azure Gleam) or 13 in order to acquire the Dancer Class (Golden Wildfire).

When the chapter reached, an NPC in the base camp will make some reference. To the White Heron Cup as a hint. The precise position varies from route to route, but in order to speak to the resident. Players must find a house on the War Map (often close to boundary of explorable zone) and interact with it.

Under the rewards area. The house will have a Green Star emblem with question marks when it highlight. Shez and the others can then use the class once the resident offers to show them the Dancer Class Book.

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The Dancers’ Group

How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem
How To Get Dancer Class Fire Emblem

The Dancer class excels at killing spellcasters since they can use a sword and have a benefit against tomes. Due to their magical prowess. They have the ability to conduct a spin attack as well as heal or deal AOE damage at will. By perfectly timing the x button input (using the indication above the character when performing the attack as a reference). This spinning attack can chained, which grants a bonus to the unit. And any nearby allies dependent on how many spins successfully chained.

The strike itself is fantastic for dealing with enemies all around the player. While spells like Dark Spike T can provide the Dancer great options for dealing with cavalry.

The Dancer shows to be a wonderful addition to the team for any assignment thanks. To their exceptional swordplay, group boosts, and capacity for magic equipment and use.

Characters like Yuri and Petra can easily access the class because it can unlocked by mastering the thief skill; Shez and Holst can easily access it through the swordmaster skill; and while spellcasters like Lysithia and Marianne need a lot more time to unlock it. They can more easily access potent spells to increase its effectiveness.

For the Nintendo Switch, there is a game call Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.