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All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart

All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart

All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart. There are a lot of top-secret items in Atomic Heart. Nearly every building P-3 explores contains a secret training facility, a hidden crafting formula, a challenging challenge, and more. If players take the time to look around and engage with everything, there is a lot to learn and do in Atomic Heart.

Finding four students who were on a tour of the All-Soviet Exhibition Center during “Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears a Crown” is one of these hidden objectives. As the robots broke down, their tour guide got lost in the chaos. She now polymerized and lifeless, and she exhibits great concern for their welfare. She begs P-3 to find out what happened to them, and he reluctantly agrees.

All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart

All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart
All Four Tour Students Location In Atomic Heart

Tour Guide

On the top floor of the renowned Exhibition Center, you can find the tour guide herself. About the pupils who were with her on the excursion, she is inconsolable. Before she shuffles off into obscurity herself, she would like to at least know what happened to them because she is unsure of their fate. She becomes less anxious after she makes a promise to assist, but she is at a loss as to where to start looking.

Student #1

This conceited student is on the first floor of the Experimental Botanical Center. Before the final room, on the hallway following the stairs, is where he found dead. He has some requirements for P-3, and he appears to value them highly.

Student #2

Student #2
Student #2

In the first big, white room of that wing, in the Experimental Medical Complex, is another student. The second floor contains it. She doesn’t say much since she mired in fear.

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Student #3

On the first floor, close to the stairway opposite the tour guide, this student is in the open. Although she depressed, death has given her a fresh outlook on life. She won’t have much time to enjoy it, regrettably.

Student #4

The last pupil situated close to the relay that P-3 must crack in order to activate the neural network. Although technically not in the Exhibition Hall, it is evident from the discussion options that he still counts towards the objective. Additionally, they demonstrate this student’s disregard for the lives of his classmates.

Going back to the Tour Guide

Going back to the Tour Guide
Going back to the Tour Guide

P-3 returns to the tour guide and tells her that he has located every pupil. Sadly, they suffered the same fate as she did. Though she laments the lives lost, she does praise P-3 for his assistance in the end. She mentions that she has nothing to award P-3 with, yet games in this genre sometimes involve deception. While the player makes some progress towards “The Necromancer” achievement, there may yet be more to found.

The tour guide makes it clear that she lacks any form of “access codes” to distribute. She surrounded by boxes and blocks that contain different combinations of numbers and letters. The following sequences, however it uncertain if they have any significance, included for completeness: