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How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4

How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4

How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4. In Age of Wonders 4, an outpost is a settlement that you can establish in a location outside of your existing cities. Outposts founded by certain units, such as settlers or pioneers. And provide a way to expand your territory and gain strategic advantages.

Outposts specialized in different areas, depending on the buildings and upgrades that you construct in them. For example, you can build economic outposts that generate resources. Military outposts that produce military units and provide defense. Or magical outposts that grant spellcasting abilities and access to powerful spells.

Outposts can also serve as a forward base for military campaigns, allowing you to launch attacks from a closer location and exert pressure on enemy forces. However, outposts can also be vulnerable to attacks from enemy forces. So it’s important to defend them with military units and keep them supplied with resources.

Overall, outposts are an important gameplay mechanic in Age of Wonders 4 that allows players to expand their territories. Specialize their cities, and gain strategic advantages over their opponents.

Age of Wonders 4 is a turn-based strategy game where you can build outposts to expand your territory and gain strategic advantages.

How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4

How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4
How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4

Here’s how to build an outpost in Age of Wonders 4

  • Select a unit that can found a city or outpost. Some units, such as settlers or pioneers, can found new cities or outposts, while others cannot.
  • Move the unit to the desired location where you want to build your outpost. Make sure that the location is not already occupied by another player’s city or outpost.
  • Click on the “Found City” or “Found Outpost” button in the unit’s actions menu. If you are founding an outpost, you may need to have researched the required technology first.
  • Choose the type of outpost you want to build. There are several types of outposts, including military, economic, and magical outposts. Each type has different benefits and costs.
  • Once you have selected the type of outpost, choose which buildings you want to construct in the outpost. Each building provides different benefits and requires different resources.
  • Once you have selected the buildings, click the “Found” button to build the outpost. The unit will then begin constructing the outpost, which may take several turns to complete.
  • Once the outpost is built, it will start providing the benefits of the buildings you constructed. You can continue to develop the outpost by constructing more buildings or upgrading existing ones.

Remember that building an outpost will cost resources, so make sure you have enough resources before founding an outpost. Additionally, outposts may be vulnerable to enemy attacks, so make sure to defend them with military units.

Cities not directly constructed by players in Age of Wonders 4. Instead, they create outposts that, with a little investment, may develop into cities. Although outposts need less care and are more prone to attack than cities, they can aid players in claiming new lands.

The Age of Wonders 4 tutorial covers a lot of processes, including how to create an outpost. But it doesn’t properly explain how the game’s interface functions when it comes to creating new outposts. By detailing precisely how to establish an outpost and subsequently upgrade it into a city.

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Outposts, Provinces, and Heroes

Outposts, Provinces, and Heroes
Outposts, Provinces, and Heroes

It important to note that every map in Age of Wonders 4 divided into variously sized and shaped provinces. A city can annex a neighbouring province and expand its resources as its population grows. The construction of new settlements and cities also depends on these provinces.

By clicking on an empty hex on the overworld map, players can view the provinces of the map. A button next to the minimap additionally emphasizes provincial borders and displays the types of resource buildings that can supported by each one. This map view can assist players in choosing the ideal locations for outposts and cities because a successful city should have access to a variety of alternatives.

Outposts can’t maintained in some provinces. Any province having an ancient marvel must absorbed by a city rather than starting off as one, while mountains and the ocean are off limits.

Selecting a province is the first step in creating an outpost. The second step is to send in a hero unit. Any hero will do, and the hero may stand on any of the province’s hexes. Once they’re there, players can spend 25 gold to “Build Outpost” and the outpost will appear on the following turn. Each outpost requires 10 gold to maintain. And because a gold vein only yields 10 gold, an outpost never makes much money. The optimum use for an outpost is to grow into a city or to seize a valuable magical resource.

Players also need to be aware of the claim mechanism. Players risk inciting resentment within their faction if they construct an outpost close to another player’s territory. You can raise grievances with multiple factions at once, and they grow in size the closer the outpost is. By concluding a pact with the other faction that states that neither side would be concerned with outpost proximity, players can circumvent this.

How To Upgrade An Outpost

How To Upgrade An Outpost
How To Upgrade An Outpost

Once the outpost is operational, gamers can let their heroes go because they can communicate with it directly. Players can spend gold to construct a labour camp, stone walls, and a watch tower by choosing an outpost. Feel free to purchase any of the structures because they will all serve a purpose once the outpost is transformed into a metropolis. Work camps in particular enable an outpost to claim a second province, which may contain an ancient marvel.

Which race to employ to inhabit the city may be up to the players to decide. Players can create cities using the populations of other cities they have conquered or incorporated into their empire rather than the capital’s. The basic cost is the same, but depending on which population is nearby, the required time may vary. Players’ ability to construct certain types of units depends on the population of a city, therefore make an informed decision.

The faction’s city cap is one more element to pay attention to. Cities do count toward the quota, not outposts, and exceeding it will result in some very severe consequences. Building numerous outposts may be costly to maintain. But it can be an inexpensive strategy to establish your claim to a region before others do.


How To Build Outpost In Age Of Wonders 4?

  • Select a unit that can found a city or outpost. Some units, such as settlers or pioneers, can found new cities or outposts, while others cannot.
  • Move the unit to the desired location where you want to build your outpost. Make sure that the location is not already occupied by another player’s city or outpost.
  • Click on the “Found City” or “Found Outpost” button in the unit’s actions menu. If you are founding an outpost, you may need to have researched the required technology first.
  • Choose the type of outpost you want to build. There are several types of outposts, including military, economic, and magical outposts. Each type has different benefits and costs.
  • Once you have selected the type of outpost, choose which buildings you want to construct in the outpost. Each building provides different benefits and requires different resources.
  • Once you have selected the buildings, click the “Found” button to build the outpost. The unit will then begin constructing the outpost, which may take several turns to complete.
  • Once the outpost is built, it will start providing the benefits of the buildings you constructed. You can continue to develop the outpost by constructing more buildings or upgrading existing ones.