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How to Get & Use Salt in Enshrouded

How to Get & Use Salt in Enshrouded

How to Get & Use Salt in Enshrouded. Enshrouded is an intriguing environment with a wide variety of materials and resources. As you advance in the game, finding and using each one will be crucial to your success and survival. One important resource is salt, which needed to construct several kinds of gear in addition to being a flavour enhancer for meals. We’ll walk you through getting and using salt in Enshrouded in this guide.

How to Get Salt in Enshrouded

When you speak with the Hunter NPC in Enshrouded, she will tell you that salt needed to make better armour out of animal pelts. She will lead the way by indicating on your game map where the Egerton Salt Mines are.

The Ancient Spire Challenge fast travel point is the best place to use the gliding method to get to the Salt Mines in Enshrouded. In your search for salt, this route offers quicker and more direct access to the mines.

You can find these mines in the Shroud. When you’re in the shroud, it important to pay attention to the timing and prepared to take on some simple foes.

How to Get Salt in Enshrouded
How to Get Salt in Enshrouded

For mining salt, the eastern portion of the mines is very advantageous. It’s easily accessible from an exit, allowing for speedy entry and departure for productive mining.

Do not forget to bring your pickaxe so you may mine the Salt.

How to Use Salt in Enshrouded

The next stage is to turn animal fur into dried fur after you have enough salt. You must build a drying rack out of wooden logs and string in order to do this.

One Druid Fur requires:

  • 1 Animal Fur
  • 3 Salt

The Scout Armour Set, which improves stamina, critical damage, ranged damage, and stamina regeneration, made possible only with dried fur. Dried fur may also be used to create a Bed, which adds 60 more seconds to the nighttime count.

This brings an end to our article on how to obtain Salt in Enshrouded. Recall to pack your pickaxe, and leave the Shroud region well in advance to minimize the risk of running out of time. Explore the remainder of our website for other Enshrouded tutorials.

How to Use Salt in Enshrouded
How to Use Salt in Enshrouded

Where to find Salt Enshrouded

At the same time you start to require salt, you’ll given a general concept of where to find it in Enshrouded.

Put the hunter in your house and have a conversation with her. Regarding Salt’s whereabouts, she ought to know a thing or two. Perhaps the greatest location is Egerton Salt Mines. But it might difficult to get started.


In Enshrouded, salt is a game-changer for crafting gear and enhancing meals. Head to the Egerton Salt Mines, guided by the Hunter NPC, for this essential resource. Use the gliding method from the Ancient Spire Challenge for quicker access. Equip a pickaxe, focus on the eastern part of the mines for efficient mining, and be prepared for simple foes in the shroud. Once you’ve got enough salt, build a drying rack with logs and string to turn animal fur into dried fur. This opens the door to crafting the Scout Armour Set and a Bed for extended nighttime. With these tips, may your Enshrouded journey be seasoned with success!

Also Read: How to Level Up Faster in Enshrouded


How to Use Salt in Enshrouded

One Druid Fur requires:

  • 1 Animal Fur
  • 3 Salt