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Icon Shield Location In Elden Ring

Icon Shield Location In Elden Ring. Dark Souls 3’s Etheral Oak Shield The Adjudicators’ Shield. Now the Elden Ring’s Icon Shield. What unites these shields? When caught, they will all heal you. When equipped, the Icon Shield gives you a 3% health regeneration bonus. This shield can’t enhanced or stacked, but it’s still powerful. The Icon Shield is in the Elden Ring.

It is only accessible via the Altus Plateau. One of two methods used. Travel to Fort Haight and Fort Farroth, then take the Grand Lift of the Ductus, or cross the dungeons connecting Liurnia to the Altus Plateau to find the two Dectus Medallion halves. Once there, head to the forest and Minor Eardtree in the centre.

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Minor Eardtree surrounded by ruins and Wormface enemies. If the bar is full, Wormface spews a curse that can instantly kill you. The ruins northeast of Minor Erdtree shown on the map above. This section of ruins marked on your map, making it easy to find. This area has a wormface surrounded by slugs. Among the enemies is a purple object. The slope. If you don’t want to grab it, you can scare enemies away.

Icon Shield Location In Elden Ring